Best Dog Breeds for Families in Nepal | Blog- Petxan | Online Pet Shop in Nepal

DogsGroomingBest Dog Breeds for Families in Nepal

June 24, 2023by Lachana Shakya0

Woof, woof, woof, woof!!! If you are a dog lover, your ears will be always looking for this sound whenever you hear this sound. Even if they can’t utter hoomanic words like ours, you always initiate a cute conversation with them with the universal language of love and compassion and the communication goes on. If you have those pawsome friends at your home, then you are used to listening to their Woofie talk and bark all the time. But if you are planning to welcome a new family member and become the pawfect pawrent, you have to do some homework on dogs, their needs, food, and many more. There are some popular dog breeds for families in Nepal. 

Welcoming a new member may be overwhelming with joy and excitement but certain things need to be considered before filling your life with new memories and loads of happawiness such as:

  • Am I ready for the extra expenses of my new family member?
  • Can I dedicate enough time to my pet?
  • Is the new pet protective and playful to the kids?

And lots more questions have to be answered before taking the gigantic step. If you really want a family dog, you should know what breeds make the best family dogs. So let’s hop in.


For detailed information about various breeds and prices of dogs, you can view our previous blog. Click here for more. Now let’s talk about the most popular family dog breeds in Nepal.


1. Labrador Retriever

Labs are one of the most popular dog breeds for families in Nepal. With the history of Helper to fishermen, they are high-spirited versatile dogs who can perform several activities including hunting, diving, tracking, and many more. They love to play with others. And they are obedient, friendly, patient, and outgoing. It’s easy to train them too. They are more protective around kids too. But as their shedding is their regular routine, they need weekly grooming. Their personality traits make them one of the most desirable and popular family dogs in Nepal.


2. Golden Retriever

Just like Labs, Goldies also possess the same characteristics as versatility, high intelligence, friendliness, and devotion. They are also very active and energetic dogs whom you can train very easily. They are always eager to learn new things. They always become ready to play with you. Their agreeable personality makes them one of the most recognizable popular family dogs in Nepal. They fall under the Sporting Group. They have a dense coat and a dense coat means regular shedding and regular grooming. For grooming products, you can order online through Petxan here


3. Japanese Spitz

These ambitious Snowwhite look-alike princesses are much more famous as family dogs in Nepal too. Jokes apart, these dogs can bark non-stop with their loud voices. If you want to listen to their barking a lot, you can invite these intelligent breeds to your home. They are really concerned about their territories. If a stranger arrives, they bark a lot and do everything to protect you. They are loyal, smart, and playful dogs who are very friendly in nature. You would love to touch their fluffy snowy fur too. This breed has become a household name in the Nepalese family.


4. Pug

If you are an Anime fan, you must know Pakkun, the dog from Naruto. Exactly, that dog’s breed is Pug. These dogs are small and have wrinkled faces and are more comfortable in small apartments too. Pugs can be referred to as “Multum in parvo” depicting a lot more dogs in a mini space as per the popular website. They are even-tempered, charming, and loving dogs that fall under the Toy Group.


5. Beagle

Not only in Nepal, this dog breed is one of the most desirable dog breeds worldwide. They are known for their spectacularly strong sense of smell. Even though they look cute and perfect, they have the nature of overeating but you can manage their eating schedule by setting up some eating rules. They are somehow a little hard to train but they are very playful, curious, and merry dogs which require plenty of exercise too. They need weekly grooming and their shedding is seasonal. 

Types of best dog breeds for Nepalese families

6. Bulldog

Calm, full of courage and dignity, and friendly are the characteristics that every pawrent seeks in a dog. And Bulldog is a pawfect choice for those pet parents. They love to spend time with their families and go on regular walks with you. They have lots of dignity but they are definitely the amusing ones. They are the sources of joy that bring entertainment to your life. Their shedding is seasonal so weekly grooming can be done. 


7. German Shepherd

Their loud and bold Woofings attract anyone. Some may get scared but some may get excited to meet one of the gigantic dog breeds. German Shepherds are one of the most curious, loyal, protective, and intelligent dogs that do anything to protect you by hook or crook. They are considered the best guard dogs who love to train. And when you go for private walks with your dogs, you feel a kind of royalty too. 


8. Boxer

As the name suggests, these dogs are very sporty and energetic in nature. They are very much obedient dogs that are playful with children and aggressive with threats and challenges. They are well known for guard and security purposes. They fall under the category of Working Group. As they have a thin coat, it’s really easy to maintain the grooming schedule and yeah, they require regular nail trimming too.


9. Rottweiler

Known as the dogs with the ancestries of Roman legion mastiffs, these dogs are most popular for their great strength and protective nature. They are seen used mostly by police and the military due to their nature of intelligence, obedience, and protection. They are the most active dogs who love to train. 


10. Cocker Spaniel

Just like Japanese Spitz, these dogs are also popularly known as household dogs in terms of Nepalese families. Their fluffy hair is loved by all. Their almond-like eyes can attract anyone. They are very playful, friendly, and joyful in nature. They are always happy. They fall under the Sporting Group and they always get excited about new things. Your playful time with Spanies will always be of worth.


So, if you are in the final stage of welcoming a new companion at home, you should be ready for new challenges and amazing memories. Just tally your needs with the traits and choose the right breed for you. These are just the 10 breeds discussed shortly. There are more than 340+ breeds (data of 2020). So, best of luck with the new journey with your amazing friend!


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