Digyton - for puppies | Online Pet Shop in Nepal | Petxan
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Dog AccessoriesDog Vitamins Supplements (Calcium, Medicine, Immunity Boosters)Digyton: 30 ml For Puppy ( For Digestion)


Digyton is the absolute choice for puppies and kittens undergoing gastrointestinal disorders and tummy upsets due to sudden changes in food and other digestive problems. Digyton is formulated with Anethum Sowa also known as Dill Oil, a carminative that eliminates gas formation in the stomach. Likewise, it unclogs the secretion of amylolytic, proteolytic, and lipolytic enzymes that combat indigestion, flatulence, irregular bowel movements, dyspepsia, colic, and other gastrointestinal disorders in the puppies.

Digyton is formulated with cardamom and other key ingredients that provide resistance against bloated tummies and indigestion problems. It ensures a healthy tummy by toning the digestive tract. Overall, it works as a  complete dogface for belly disruptions of the puppies and kittens.



  • Facilitates the secretion of enzymes catalyzing digestion
  • Relieves flatulence and bloated tummies
  • Refines appetite digestion and promotes tolerance of sudden food alterations
  • Ensures healthy digestive system
  • Formulated with vital ingredients like Dill Oil and cardamom
  • Dosage recommendations for small breed puppies- 5 to 8 drops daily, large breed dogs- 10 to 15 drops twice daily, kittens- 3 to 5 drops twice daily


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