Digyton Plus- for adult dogs | Online Pet Shop in Nepal | Petxan

Dog AccessoriesDog Vitamins Supplements (Calcium, Medicine, Immunity Boosters)Digyton Plus: 100 ml for Adult ( For Digestion)

Original price was: ₨325.00.Current price is: ₨305.00.

Get your adult dogs immediate treatment with Digyton Plus if they are suffering from digestive problems, stomach upsets, and petty diseases. Digyton Plus vitalizes the secretion of Digestive Fluids like Gastric Juices, Acids, and Bile in the stomach that helps to control gastric infections commonly abundant in adult dogs. It constitutes Dill Oil (Anethum Sowa), a carminative that eliminates gas formation and stimulates the salivary glands and acids in the Primary Digestion of food in the mouth.

By stimulating proteolytic, amylolytic, and lipolytic enzymes, Digyton Plus upheaves the functioning of the digestive system by solving the problems of Indigestion, colic, flatulence, intolerance of sudden food changes, irregular bowel movements, and functionings, and other digestive disorders.



  • Digestive stimulant for adult pets
  • Suitable for both adult dogs and cats
  • Includes key ingredients like Black Pepper and Licorice
  • Has sialagogue action that catalyzes the secretion of saliva in the stomach
  • Has spasmolytic action and licorice that helps to treat abdominal pains
  • Relieves stomach bloating and constipation
  • Dosage recommendations for small breed dogs- 5 ml twice daily, large breed dogs- 10 ml twice daily, cats- 2.5 ml twice daily


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